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Book Rating/Content Information

Questions many authors receive about their books, besides the big, "What is your book about?" question, is what we would rate our books based on romance and content.


And while many authors like myself include a list of trigger warnings and content warnings at the beginning of their books (mine can always be found in the Note to Reader section), I've chosen to adopt both the Romance Content Rating System created by Author Angela J. Ford and the Book Content Rating System created by Book Cave.


On my website, you will find number ratings for the romance ratings and letters and symbols for the book content rating underneath the book's information. I will also have these ratings posted at in-person events.

As for the category/genre/sub-genre for each of my works, that will be listed in the book's details.


If you'd like to view the ratings tables, you can view all three in a PDF by clicking HERE.


Hopefully, all of these help you in some way to decide if you'd like to read my books.


If you have any questions/concerns that you feel these tables don't answer for you, please don't hesitate to reach out.


Reading is supposed to be an enjoyable hobby. Always protect your mental and emotional well-being. Read with care, friends.

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